The Asociación Deportiva de Pesca con Mosca “CRAFF”, is a duly registered non-profit association in Costa Rica. We are passionate about fly fishing, the environment, conservation and healthy lifestyles. We promote fly fishing as the most eco-friendly form of sport fishing through education and conservation projects and we strive to impact our natural world on a grass roots level.

CRAFF has assessed our short, mid and long-term goals and has determined that our positive impact can be achieved through two (2) cornerstone projects. They are:

Project 1: CRAFF Fly Fishing Education

The hallmark of CRAFF’s efforts to grow the sport of fly fishing while emphasizing the importance of conservation is our Fly Fishing Education Project. CRAFF has created the Peter Gorinsky Fly Fishing School which is now actively teaching free Introduction to Fly Fishing classes in Costa Rica.

CRAFF Fly Fishing Education participants receive courses about Costa Rica’s more than 50 species of fish. As a conservation organization, we emphasize the practice of Catch & Release fly fishing. Class participants are encouraged to join the international initiative called “Keep Fish Wet” which teaches principles that guarantee fish survival.

To enhance our ability to impact the community through fly fishing lessons, we are raising money to pay for gear, transportation, lodging and free t-shirts and stickers for kids of all ages.

Program 2: CRAFF Conservation

Costa Rica is a small country with limited waterways and resources. While laws exist to protect our fish species from illegal practices, these laws typically go unenforced.

CRAFF’s Conservation Project is dedicated to species conservation, achieved through education, conservation-related messaging in the field and by driving or supporting habitat restoration initiatives.

Species conservation via infrastructure. By building, installing and maintaining signs along critical waterways across Costa Rica, CRAFF seeks to minimize illegal fishing, bring awareness to local communities about the dangers of overfishing, emphasize the importance of buying a yearly fishing license, and create events where we promote responsible management of fish species to the local communities.

Habitat Preservation Initiatives. CRAFF has joined with the Sendero Pacifico project which is developing a trail system from the mountains of Monteverde, Costa Rica to the Gulf of Nicoya. This trail runs through prime Tepemechin (mountain mullet) habitat, so CRAFF is supporting with data collection and signage starting in 2024. We are happy to help impact the community while working to build awareness of one of our coolest fish.

If you are interested in joining this initiative, please reach out to us at

JOIN CRAFF fundraising ‘24

CRAFF is a local non-profit organization and we need your help! Our projects are impacting society and the environment in Costa Rica. For local donations, contact us at to do so.

We are affiliated with Amigos of Costa Rica, a U.S.-based non-profit that supports non-profits in Costa Rica. This makes it easy to join in and donate. There are multiple ways to make your donation. Just click the Donate button below. We thank you for supporting these impactful projects as part of CRAFF.

For U.S. donors, please note that your donations are tax deductible in the U.S. to the extent that current laws permit. Please consult your personal adviser if you have questions.